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Bijou Mushengezi

Founder & Board President

Bijou was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). She earned her Bachelor's degree in Public Economics and worked for Bank of America. She was a stay-at-home mom when she discovered her passion for education and decided to become a preschool teacher. She has volunteered at Women for Women International, a non-profit organization that supports the most marginalized women in countries affected by conflict and war. She works with Beatil/ALT a non-profit partner with Panzi Foundation DRC, which rehabilitates and reintegrates victims of sexual violence and mutilation during armed conflicts in the DRC. She also runs a ministry called From Naomi to Ruth, a ministry that mentors young Christian girls to live a fulfilled life in Christ. Bijou's overall passion is to advance the Kingdom of God through numerous opportunities to serve others. She is a wife to an incredible husband and mother to five wonderful children.


Christelle Awa

Board Secretary

Young HR Generalist professional, currently full-time employed in an international Cloud Company while pursuing her degree at NOVA.

Christelle believes that Education brings Understanding, Understanding brings Patience, Patience brings Love and Love brings Unity. That is why she believes in Moseka and its mission to help Empower women and Educate children as they are the Future of the Congo and Africa.


Caitlin Sturgis

Vice President

Caitlin is from Northern Virginia and learned about issues in the DRC as a young girl. In college, she focused her studies on Social Inequalities and Responses, researching many facets of the DRC from the use of water, to rule of law, to rape as a weapon of war. Caitlin has over a decade of experience working for nonprofits in staff, volunteer and board member roles. Her primary background is in fundraising and donor relations.
She is passionate about Moseka’s mission to address the social justice issues women and children in the DRC face through tangible assistance and educational empowerment. As Vice President, she works to support and empower Moseka’s incredible team, strengthens relationships with our partners, and engages and mobilizes our community for good in the DRC.
Caitlin holds a bachelor’s degree in Global Affairs from George Mason University and a Financial Success for Nonprofits Certificate from Cornell University. She is currently pursuing her master’s of Social Work at the University of Denver.


Clairette Nootens

Board Treasurer

Clairette serves as Moseka’s Board Treasurer.


Open Position

Social Media Ambassador


Open Position

Administrative & Communications Assistant

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To volunteer with Moseka Action Project, email!